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The originality of this paper lies in the ways in which it explores how the depiction of organised crime within Andrey Kurkov’s novel Death and the Penguin can inform our understanding of organisational modularity. This non-orthodox approach might open up new avenues of thought in the study of organisational modularity while further illustrating how novelistic worlds can inform accounts of organisational realities. Two main research questions underlie the paper. How can Andrey Kurkov’s novel further our understanding of the complexity of organisational worlds and realities by focusing our attention on different landscapes of organising? How does Kurkov’s novel help us grasp the concept of modularity by drawing attention to new forms of modular organisation? Drawing from our reading of Kurkov’s novel, we primarily explore organisational modularity through Kurkov’s depiction of organised crime and consider the themes of alienation and isolation in the context of modular organising.  相似文献   
Peter Rober's work (2005a) on the therapist’s inner conversation (TIC) has been a significant contribution to understanding the therapist's 'here and now' experience that focuses on the emergence of different voices responding to what is said in the therapy session. Frediani and Rober (2016) conducted an investigation into the experience and TIC of novice therapists concerning emotions aroused and how they deal with them during family therapy. Their research prompted us to ask how this methodology could work with recent graduates and those in the last year of their undergraduate training. This was addressed in the adolescent psychotherapy team that is part of the Equipo de Trabajo y Asesoría Sistémica (Systemic Counselling and Teamwork) (eQtasis) of the Psychology Department of the University of Chile. An important characteristic has been developing an ethics for clinical practice and generating a collaborative reflexive approach as a central aspect of the clinical training. The paper aims to promote the legitimacy of the experience of novice therapists who despite limited professional experience have many stories that connect with what is said in therapy.  相似文献   
邢崇 《民族学刊》2020,11(4):52-58, 129-130
传统藏戏将教化性和审美性融合统一,形成了具有无限延展的审美空间,被藏民族一代代接受和传承。传统藏戏的多种元素彼此之间相互对抗、冲突和矛盾,形成具有张力的审美空间和强大的审美冲击力,使接受者产生共鸣,在艺术的审美中获得精神的洗礼。在传统藏戏中,主客体巨大反差产生崇高美,体现出藏民不屈的超越精神,以及克服和战胜恐惧后的心灵慰藉和平静;传统藏戏采用佛教逻辑叙述故事,集中体现藏民的人生姿态和精神信仰以及对于真善美的认知和追求,凸显世俗的人性美;藏戏以美的艺术形式和程序化的艺术表演再现普通大众的味与情,形成独具特色的审美情感和审美趣味,最终达到宗教教化的目的;藏戏中戏师的理性讲述与演员的感性表演形成对照,让受众游走于理性与感性之间,对于人物与情节有了更加深刻的感性认知和理性反思;藏戏重复与回环的情节设置使故事情节发展更曲折,人物形象更丰满,主题思想更鲜明,形成了复调之美。  相似文献   
民国学者胡怀琛著有《中国小说研究》、《中国小说概论》、《中国小说的起源与演变》等普及型文学史著作,其研究理念与著述体例有别于鲁迅的《中国小说史略》。胡怀琛的中国小说史学以小说类型为经,以时代为纬,讲求小说学与小说史学的融合互渗,注重把握小说文体演变的内在逻辑与宏大结构。胡怀琛以现代意义的小说观为参照,重新整合经史子集中具有"小说"意味的文本,藉此重新发现中国的"小说",并重建各种历史文本与文类的关联性和有序性。胡怀琛将"长时段"的历史思维与解释方法运用于中国小说史研究,从"形"与"质"两方面勾勒出中国小说历史演化的基本轮廓。  相似文献   
This article presents considerations about the status of literature as a commodity and writers as professionals in the twenty-first century. These considerations are based on an analysis of Argentine writer Claudia Piñeiro’s Betibú (2011), which follows the story of an Argentine crime novel writer who becomes a ghostwriter after her latest novel receives harsh reviews for being considered commercial rather than literary. I argue that the novel in question points out misconceptions about the influence of the book industry on the aesthetic quality of literary writing, highlighting the need for literary criticism to look into everyday relations between readers, authors, and editors.  相似文献   
老舍的短篇小说《歪毛儿》模仿了英国近代作家贝尔斯弗德的奇幻小说《恨世者》,但在立意和表现手法上进行了若干改造。贝尔斯弗德《恨世者》的主题是“恨世”,而老舍《歪毛儿》的主题却具有多义性。《恨世者》的主人公是个大智若愚的“隐者”,而《歪毛儿》的主人公充其量只是个徘徊于“敷衍”与“硬拐硬碰”之间的“畸零人”。老舍不赞同“恨世”,而主张用宗教的人格教育作为济世救人的手段;他认为,若能以耶稣外圆内方的人格为楷模,人们也可能在纷乱的现世中“得到许多许多的自由”。  相似文献   
布罗代尔认为,理想的历史应该是多声部的。现代意义上的口述史的出现使基于文献书写的历史的单声部特征显露无遗。口述史不再是现代社会“沉默的大多数”发出的声音。以口头陈述为基础的口述史的叙事和以文献为基础的历史的书写都同样是有关历史事实的观念的反映。各具独立旋律的叙事与书写理应建立起和谐的关系而形成复调历史。这种复调历史并非杜赞奇基于话语分析方法,以解构民族国家单线叙事为目的的复线历史。口述史与历史二者之间互补互益的差异使反思性知识与批判性知识可以对过去的历史进行检讨并对历史事实进行更为深刻的理解。借鉴历史研究方法及滥觞于研究无文字民族的民族志方法是解决口述史实践中存在的诸多问题的重要路径。  相似文献   
英国科幻小说家赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯对布莱恩·奥尔迪斯的科幻小说创作,有着极其巨大的影响。这种影响具体表现在威尔斯反乌托邦的政治理念、反人类中心主义的生态伦理与人类灭亡的命运警示三个方面。奥尔迪斯延续了威尔斯对于人类与社会、人类与自然、人类与未来等角度的反思,创造性地继承了威尔斯反对科技进步的科幻小说创作传统。  相似文献   
随着港台言情小说的盛行以及市民社会的兴起,被新文学压抑近半个世纪的言情小说在上世纪末闪亮登场,并在网络时代重新繁荣。在中国言情小说史上,琼瑶模式曾引领了言情市场很多年。网络言情小说似乎也延续着琼瑶模式,经历了一个从“纯爱”到“穿越”、从灰姑娘到玛丽苏的阶段,随后又出现了反琼瑶、反纯情等多元化现象。网络时代实现了言情小说模式的转型。  相似文献   
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